Tuesday 10 May 2011

General IQ about Nepal

1.           Which metal is heavier, silver or gold?                                                     -           Gold
2.           How many legs do butterflies have?                                                        -           Six
3.           Which is the country with the most people?                                            -           China
4.           Which state is the biggest in the US?                                                     -           Alaska
5.           Which country has the largest area of land?                                            -           Russia
6.           What is Aurora Borealis commonly known as?                                        -           Northern Lights
7.           Which is the non-contagious disease that is the most common in the world?-        Tooth Decay
8.           Which was the album the Beatles recorded the last time together?           -           Abbey Road
9.           Which instrument did Miles Davis, the jazz musician, play?                      -           Trumpet
10.       In which country was golf first played?                                                    -           Scotland
11.       Which is the sport where you could be out ‘leg before wicket’, or ‘hit a six’?-          Cricket
12.       When did baseball originate in the US?                                                   -           19th Century
13.       Which is the sport wherein you would use a 'sand iron'?                           -           Golf
14.       What is the largest mammal in the world?                                               -           Blue Whale
15.       Which is the country where reggae music originated?                              -           Jamaica
16.       Who was the creator of Jeeves and Wooster?                                          -           P.G. Wodehouse
17.       After which famous person was the teddy bear named?                            -           Theodore Roosevelt
18.       Which is the smallest ocean in the world?                                               -           Arctic Ocean
19.       What is the rhino’s horn made of?                                                          -           Hair
20.        Which two oceans does the Panama Canal link?                                    -           Atlantic/Pacific
21.        What is South America’s highest mountain range?                                  -           The Andes
22.        What is the capital city of Canada?                                                        -           Ottawa
23.        What do we call the line of latitude 23.5 degrees north of the equator?     -           Tropic of cancer
24.        What sport is played at Wimbledon?                                                      -           Tennis
25.        What country does the football player David Bekham come from?          -           England
26.        What is the most popular indoor sport in the U.S.A.?                              -           Basketball
27.        In which sport was Muhammad Ali the world champion?                        -           Boxing
28.        Which famous golf player's mother comes from Thailand?                      -           Tiger Woods
29.        What is longest running race in the Olympic Games called?                     -           The Marathon
30.        In snooker, what is the colour of the last ball potted?                               -           Black
31.        Which team won the 2003 Formula One car racing championship?          -           Ferrari
32.        In boxing, what letter do the letters K. O. stand for?                               -           Knock out
33.        How many rings are there in the Olympic Games Symbol?                      -           5
34.        In which athletic event the heavy metal ball thrown?                               -           Shot put
35.        In what sport could you hit a six or bowl a leg spinner?                           -           Cricket
36.        Golf was first played in which country?                                      -           Scotland
37.        In which sport could you find yourself in headlock?                                 -           Wrestling
38.        What does a third-place getter at the Olympic Games win?                     -           Bronze medal
39.        What does your heart pump?                                                                 -           Blood
40.        Which is the nearest star?                                                                     -           The Sun
41.        What is H2O?                                                                                                  -           Water
42.        How many legs does a butterfly have?                                                   -           Six
43.        Blood is filtered by which pair of organs?                                               -           Kidneys
44.        Which planet is the fifth from the sun?                                                   -           Jupiter
45.        Who developed the theory of relativity?                                                 -           Albert Einstein
46.        Which chemical element is represented by the symbol N?                       -           Nitrogen
47.        In which organelle of a living cell is DNA found?                                   -           Nucleus
48.        Which travel faster, light or sound waves?                                             -           Light waves
49.        Which vitamin is abundant in citrus fruits?                                              -           Vitamin C
50.        What instrument is used for measuring temperature?                              -           Thermometer
51.        Who developed the theory of evolution by natural selection?                    -           Charles Darwin
52.        What gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere?                                   -           Carbon dioxide
53.        What do we call a shape with eight sides?                                              -           Octagon
54.        What is the study of plants called?                                                         -           Botany
55.        For what chemical process do plants need sunlight, CO2 and water?       -           Photosynthesis
56.        Which chemical element is represented by the symbol Zn?                      -           Zinc
57.        In which organ of the body is the cerebrum found?                                 -           The brain
58.        What do we call the study of birds?                                                       -           Ornithology
59.        Which country has the most people?                                                      -           China
60.        What is the capital city of Norway?                                                       -           Oslo    
61.        What is the biggest state in the U.S.A.?                                                 -           Alaska
62.        Which country has the biggest land area?                                               -           Russia
63.        What is the longest river in the world?                                                   -           Nile
64.        What is the longest highway in the world?                                              -           Trans- Canada
65.        In which country is Mount Everest?                                                       -           Nepal
66.        Which continent has the biggest population?                                           -           Asia
67.        What is the capital city of New Zealand?                                               -           Wellington
68.        On which continent is the Sahara desert?                                               -           Africa
69.        Which ocean is to the east of Africa?                                                    -           Indian Ocean
70.        The place known as roof of the world is ?                                              -           Tibet
71.        The country which ranks second in terms of land area is -                       -           Canada
72.        The biggest island of the world is                                                           -           Greenland
73.        The country called land of the rising sun is                                             -           Japan
74.        The largest ocean of the world is the Pacific                                          -           Ocean
75.        Which South American country has the greatest land area?                    -           Brazil
76.        What is the capital city of Sri Lanka?                                                     -           Colombo
77.        Which climate is generally hotter and more humid, tropical or temperate? -          Tropical
78.        What do we call a mountain which could erupt?                                     -           Volcano
79.        Antarctica covers which of the earth’s poles?                                        -           The South Pole
80.        In which country is the world’s highest waterfall?                                   -           Venezuela
81.        What natural phenomena are measured by the ‘Richter scale’?               -           Earthquake
82.        How many strings does a violin have?                                                    -           4
83.        Where was Ricky Martin born?                                                             -           Puerto Rico
84.        Which singer usually sings rap music, Mariah Carey or Eminem?            -           Eminem
85.        Which instrument is often used in jazz music, a saxophone or a tuba?       -           Saxophone
86.        Which pop singer married British movie director Guy Ritchie?                 -           Madonna
87.        Which rock group did George Harrison belong to?                                  -           The Beatles
88.        How many strings does a bass guitar usually have?                                -           4
89.        In what country did reggae music originate?                                           -           Jamaica
90.        How many instruments are there in a string quintet?                               -           5
91.        What does orchestra’s conductor wave to keep time?                             -           Baton
92.        What pop group was Michael Jackson a member of when he was young? -         The Jackson Five
93.        Which instrument has keys, pedals and strings?                                                  Piano
94.        Which is the largest stringed instrument in a classical orchestra?             -           Double bass
95.        Who invented the “Richter Scale” and when?                            - 1930s by Dr. Charles Richter

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